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    B. Scott Hubbard

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September 21, 2006


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Michael R.

Does the Neighborhood Environmental Report include all the same hazard disclosures as the Arizona Disclosure Report, or is it a totally different disclosure report than the Arizona Disclosure Report? Thanks.

Scott Hubbard

Hi Michael,

Yes, if you order the Neighborhood Environmental Report, you will receive all the disclosures included in the Arizona Disclosure Report plus additional information such as that listed under 'Neighborhood Environmental Report' above. One of the major differences in the 2 reports that most people like is that the Neighborhood Environmental Report includes information on meth labs in the area. Also, the Arizona Disclosure Report only discloses hazards within 300 feet of the property, while the Neighborhood Environmental Report covers a larger area - it discloses those within 300 feet, as well as those beyond 300 feet. Certain hazards are disclosed if they are within a half mile of the property.

Since the Arizona disclosure law regarding these disclosure reports is so new, the Neighborhood Environmental Report (deluxe report!) is still being formatted to also include all of the information from the Arizona Disclosure Report. So currently, if you order the Neighborhood Environmental Report, you will receive both the Arizona Disclosure Report and the Neighborhood Environmental Report for $129. We expect the formatting of the Neighborhood Environmental Report to be finished shortly, so that it will contain all the disclosures from both reports.

tom -AZ realtor

What is the turn around time on both the Arizona disclosure report and the AZ neighborhood environmental disclosure report?

Scott Hubbard

Tom - Both the Arizona Disclosure Report and the Neighborhood Environmental Report will generally be emailed to you within 24 hours of the time they are ordered. If you prefer, the disclosure reports can be faxed or mailed.

Rachel Williams

Can you do Arizona Disclosure Reports on commercial properties too, or are they just for AZ residential properties?

Scott Hubbard

Rachel - The reports we currently offer are for residential properties. However, we will soon be offering commercial disclosure reports too, hopefully within the next 2 months. So be sure to check back with us! Thanks for visiting!

Scott Hubbard

It is important to understand that neither the Arizona Disclosure Report or the Neighborhood Environmental Report is a substitute for a Seller's Property Disclosure Statement (SPDS) or other seller disclosures. These new disclosure reports only cover very specific information about the property, and the seller is still responsible for making other necessary disclosures to the buyer.

Kerry Mann

Scott, you have a great blog here.
I run a home inspection directory website out of Milwaukee WI.
I recently converted to the blog format using wordpress.

Yopu have a great site, very informative.

If you are interested in sharing ideas let me know. I think the blog platform is the way of the future.

Keep up the good work !
Kerry Mann

Sean O'Rear

Excellent service that I would like to add in Springfield, MO

mold inspection Miami

The new law basically says that if they obtain one of the new third-party disclosure reports, sellers & their agents will not be held liable for errors or ommissions in the disclosure report, unless they know the report to be incorrect and fail to disclose the correct information.

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